Rail Transit

The railway comprehensive training solutions focus on the needs of majors and jobs related to normal-speed and high-speed railways, with an aim to comprehensively improve the quality and efficiency of practical training integrating teaching, tests, competitions, and evaluation in vocational colleges and industry enterprises.

The urban rail transit comprehensive training solutions are mainly aimed at building a systematic and digital practical simulation environment for all positions and majors, so as to achieve the improvement from single skills to comprehensive skills, and from standard operations to emergency response skills.

Emergency Safety

In strict accordance with professional teaching standards, vocational skills standards and evaluation standards, we conduct innovative research and practice guided by intelligent training and skill improvement development trend of safety and emergency response majors. We also use virtual simulation training platforms, digital operation management platforms, and emergency response decision-making and command drill platforms to cultivate high-quality, comprehensive technical and skilled professionals that can meet practical needs.


In view of the high technology, high investment, and high risk characteristics of aviation training, Jiean Hi-tech uses virtuality and reality combination, human-computer interaction, intelligent guidance and other means to benchmark industry standards and manuals, carry out research and development based on real equipment, realistically restore operating scenarios, and realize independent teaching and training, providing high-quality and efficient aviation training solutions.


Focusing on technical research and product development of VR, AR and MR in navigation, military simulation, system modeling, data application, etc., Jiean Hi-tech supports civil navigation skills training and provides equipment and systematic simulation and training solutions to maritime colleges and industry.

产品案例 | 动车组电气控制与故障处置实训系统产品

产品案例 | 动车组电气控制与故障处置实训系统产品


虚拟仿真赋能机电专业实训 | 城市轨道交通机电维检修线上实训系统

城市轨道交通机电设备检修工是城市轨道交通系统的重要技术人员,负责机电设备的安装、调试、维护和管理等工作,是保障城市轨道交通系统安全、稳定运行的重要力量。然而城轨机电设备检修人员的教学实训常因操作项目繁多、耗时冗长、排课困难、培训人次受限、实训结果反馈滞后等问题,导致培训质效难以提升,不利于岗位技能水平的全面发展和职业素养的深入培养。 因此,探索并应用虚拟仿真...

标杆项目 | 山东职业学院动集动车组动力车智能化检修实训室


标杆项目 | 山东职业学院动集动车组车辆综合检修实训室


全场景模拟、多专业协调 | 陕西交通职业技术学院城轨全自动运营综合实训项目

随着城市轨道交通智能化、信息化技术的迅速发展, “全自动运行系统”已然成为新一代轨道交通系统的发展趋势。随着全自动运行线路的不断开通,运营企业对符合全自动运行线路岗位技能要求的人才需求日益增长。匹配企业用人要求、优化人培方案、建设配套技能实训室,已成为院校城市轨道交通专业亟待解决的问题。 聚焦城市轨道交通专业建设需求,捷安高科携手陕西交通职业技术学院共建城市...

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