R&D Focused

Self-developed professional solutions that cover multiple jobs and support joint training.

Systematic Contents

Systematic test and training contents comprising fundamental teaching, accident restoration, standardized operations, fault handling, and abnormal emergency response.

Practical Training

Use simulated hardware and digital twin technology to create working environments consistent with the actual site and guide employees to standardize their operations.

Intelligent Assessment

Leverage AI to precisely collect operation records, images, videos, voices and status feedback throughout the training process to truly realize intelligent and non-inductive assessment.

Intelligent Training

Conduct full-cycle information management of tests and training through digital means and create a system integrating learning, training, test and application.

Deep Rooted

Implement the industry-education integration strategy and provide quality services to 18 railway group companies and hundreds of higher/secondary vocational colleges.

  • Full Coverage

    Cover all majors of urban rail transit including engineering, operations, vehicles, electromechanical, signaling, and power supply.

  • Innovative Training Model

    Utilize the innovative model of joint linkage of multiple majors and positions to cultivate trainees' professional skills, teamwork and other comprehensive abilities.

  • Training Matrix

    Build a training matrix consisting of primary, intermediate and advanced levels to meet training needs at various levels and achieve overall skills improvement.

  • Realistic Simulation

    Self-developed JANVR virtual simulation engine enables seamless connection between theoretical knowledge and practical operations, reduced training costs and greater training efficiency.

  • Intelligent Evaluation

    The Intelligent Management and Control Platform can be used to form skill portraits and collect data from multiple dimensions, providing accurate data support for teaching and training.

  • Professional Certification Support

    Provide vocational skills appraisal services that comply with national vocational skills standards and cooperate with WorldSkills International to ensure that our training contents are in line with international standards.

打造车间级实训演练场 | 铁路信号智能实训平台

打造车间级实训演练场 | 铁路信号智能实训平台

聚焦铁路电务系统信号工技能实训难题和车间级实训需求增长的趋势,捷安高科创新引领,运用数智化技术打造车间级智能实训练功台——铁路信号智能实训平台,以“真学真练”为核心,提供贴近实战的精准培训方案。 该平台集组合架、分线盘、故障设置单元、联锁驱采、信号集中监测以及智慧管理端于一体,能够完成设备认知、施工配线、设备检修、故障处理、应急处置等实训任务,全面涵盖铁路信...

产品案例 | 动车组电气控制与故障处置实训系统产品

产品案例 | 动车组电气控制与故障处置实训系统产品


虚拟仿真赋能机电专业实训 | 城市轨道交通机电维检修线上实训系统

虚拟仿真赋能机电专业实训 | 城市轨道交通机电维检修线上实训系统

城市轨道交通机电设备检修工是城市轨道交通系统的重要技术人员,负责机电设备的安装、调试、维护和管理等工作,是保障城市轨道交通系统安全、稳定运行的重要力量。然而城轨机电设备检修人员的教学实训常因操作项目繁多、耗时冗长、排课困难、培训人次受限、实训结果反馈滞后等问题,导致培训质效难以提升,不利于岗位技能水平的全面发展和职业素养的深入培养。 因此,探索并应用虚拟仿真...

标杆项目 | 山东职业学院动集动车组动力车智能化检修实训室

标杆项目 | 山东职业学院动集动车组动力车智能化检修实训室


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